Data Centre Engineering Services from Concept Design to Detailed multi-level Design, Tender Preparation to Project Control, Acceptance Activities to Audit requirements.
We can provide a Turnkey Design by superposing all nine (9) core Design Services for your upcoming Data Centre project. We can also help you fill in the gaps in your Data Centre with any one or more of our core design services.
Our Tender Preparation Services are a set of services which will translate your Data Centre Engineering Designs into a complete set of Tender documents as per global standards. After the completion of the tender process, with our Project Control & Inspection Services, we will act as your extended arm in Project Implementation and Testing & Acceptance phases of your project. Once your Data Centre is operational, our set of Data Centre Audit Services are available to help to help you in conducting periodic checks & controls of your Data Centre.
Our highly qualified Electrical, HVAC, Data and CAD professionals using state of the art software tools, design energy efficient yet fault-tolerant data centre facilities conforming to worldwide standards.
Complete Data Centre Tender Engineering Services; from Concept Design to Detailed Design, from BOM & Budgetting to RFP / RFQ Preparations.
CDS Engineering is your Trusted Advisor from project management to inspection, from Testing & Acceptance Activities to Tier Cerfication Application requirements
CDS Engineering is your trusted partner for standard or customized audit requirements, based on our Data Centre Design know-how.